*********************Apart from the standard items contained in a combat pack -Beretta 9mm semi-auto pistol , 50 rounds of ammo , evacuation co-ordinates and extraction codes we have included a copy of a UMC secret internal memo ************************ ################# Inteligence briefing number :- UMC 69478 / 12 / ID Classified as top secret only to be distributed to UMC personnel with grade 4 security and above ############################ Teleport trials between the twin labs on PHOBOS and DEIMOS have been postponed for one month , this unfortunate delay has arisen due to recent discoveries in Sector 9 of the south glacier on DEIMOS . Satalite reconnaissance have shown that , due to escaping toxic fumes from near by nuclear plants , large areas of the glacier have melted exposing previously concealed building like structures , bio-rythmical scanning indicate a life-force , susequent photographic enhancement and computer rendering have confirmed that the structures are infact buildings . Two days after confirmation , Charlie company of C.I.R.O. {Covert Investigations and Research Opperations} an umbrella organization incorporating units of the military and U.M.C. scientists were airdropped into the complex perimeter and infiltrated the building , within days contact was lost between the C.I.R.O. teams and U.M.C. command base on Phobos Top U.M.C. scientists now believe that the attacks on Mars and the labs on PHOBOS And Deimos and eventually the failed colonization of Earth were provoked by C.I.R.O.`s actions ######### **************Your Mission perameters ************************ Infiltrate the complex and exterminate all living monsters . *********************************************************** Exterminate any surviving members of Charlie Company before nited World Governments begin there investigations into U.M.C. activities****************** Your code name for this mission is ANVIL ,mission number 1.